Written by Annie Weeden (MDE’s 2016 Summer Intern)
Here at MDE many of us look forward to our favorite things every summer. Whether it be mint chocolate chip ice cream on a hot humid day, a tan (or in my case, a burn) while sitting by the water in the burning sand, or the comfort of wearing your special flip-flops, all of the members of MDE team have similar ideas of what this season should look like. So, here are some things that are the top trending activities and attire that you should consider for the season.
Fitbit is one of MDE’s favorite things this year. Not only can it track how active you have been all day, but it can also track your sleep patterns. It is perfect if you want to lose weight or keep yourself in shape. By counting the steps you take and alerting you when you need to get out and move around, a Fitbit is the perfect tool to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. I personally use Fitbit during days where I know that I will be stuck sitting down a lot in order to get myself up and moving when I need to. Plus this product comes at a reasonable price and it is water resistant.
Flyboard is now the biggest craze. For those who love the thrill of a water adventure this is just the thing for you. The Flyboard created by Franky Zapata is a board that allows you to jump, dive, and fly in, out, and above the water by using hydro-propulsion. This product redefines the hoverboard. Aquatic Aviation is now offering lessons to the public with an age range from 15-70. Hopefully this summer we can put our flyboarding skills to the test.
Believe it or not, but coconut oil is becoming a real lifesaver. Not only can it be used in cooking and on toast, but also it can be used for skin care, hair care, wound healing, and even weight lost. This made the top 6 favorite things of 2016 for MDE because it helps keep hair healthy and smooth. By applying coconut oil in your hair at night and then rising it out in the morning, your locks can be left silky smooth with less split ends.
Blush tones are back in along with nice flowy summer dresses. One of our favorite things of the summer is being able to wear our nice and breezy dresses. It is a great way to stay cool while looking fabulous. This year pastels and blush tones are back and neon is definitely out of the picture. We recommend going with a nice soft colored dress which you can dress up or down with either a nice cardigan and some cute wedges or a beach bag for those leisure days.
If you are looking for a place to vacation with your family, the kids, or even by yourself, I recommend Traverse City, MI. Not only is it gorgeous because the city sits right next to the water, but there are also plenty of activities for every age on and off the water. There is parasailing, go carting, amazing restaurants, boating, and shopping. Traverse City is such a lively city and there are always something fun going on.
In our opinion, Jeffree Star Cosmetics definitely takes the cake for having some of the best liquid lipsticks. This lipstick comes in many classic colors and several bold shades. The best part is that once applied it turns into a matte look and can last through an entire day. On top of a great look, all of Jeffree Star’s products are cruelty-free which means that 100% of the products are not affiliated with animal testing.