As I reflect on December 2024, I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and awe for this past year. It’s been the most breakout year for Michelle Durpetti Events yet, with milestones that have redefined what success looks like for me. At the same time, Gene & Georgetti has experienced record-breaking achievements, continuing to thrive while honoring its incredible legacy.
But 2024 was also a year of immense personal challenges. This summer, I endured a fractured skull—an experience that truly tested me—and in September, after producing three wildly successful weddings, I faced the unimaginable loss of my dad. It has been a year of extremes, of highs and lows, of heartbreak and triumph.
As an event & wedding planner/producer, restaurant owner, and human, I feel that it is my duty to never lose my sense of wonder. Imagination fuels creativity and fun in every celebration I’m fortunate enough to bring to life, and it also empowers our team to safeguard the legacy of Gene and Georgetti while exploring new horizons for the brand. Marrying delicious flavors with a sense of nostalgia and an eye toward the future is no easy feat, but it’s one I’m proud to be part of. 🇮🇹
Personally, I’ve learned a lot about “last moments” this year. I didn’t know that the last day I had with my dad would truly be our last. That lesson—to treasure each moment because we never know when it will be the final one—has left a profound impact on me. Hold onto that thought, and hold your loved ones close. ❤️
As I close out this year, I carry a new appreciation for time and its fleeting nature. I’ve experienced both light and dark, joy and grief, and I’m more grateful than ever for the balance between the two. Even in immense loss, I still deeply believe in the purpose, hope, and love that drive me forward every day.
This year’s darker moments have made the light, sparkle, and love shine even brighter for me. They’ve reminded me that both are vital—sometimes painful, but always important—parts of the journey.
How about you? Has any of this resonated with you? Sending love, light, and gratitude your way this season. ✨✨
Photos courtesy of Collin Pierson Photography