The Heart of Planning: Embracing Core Values For a Unique Wedding Experience

June 5, 2024,

In the world of weddings, where trends come and go with the seasons, maintaining a set of core values provides a compass that guides every decision and design. As a wedding planner who doubles as an equestrian and restaurant owner, my diverse experiences have shaped (and continue to shape!) the unique approach to wedding planning that we here at MDE use for each and every client, wedding + celebration. Centered around eight fundamental principles, with each of these principles not only defining my professional ethos but also ensuring that each wedding is a genuine reflection of the couple’s personality and dreams.

In every aspect of wedding planning, from guest lists to photography to floral arrangements, I believe in the power of quality. It’s not about how much you have but about the value each element adds to your celebration. This principle ensures that every detail is chosen with thought and care, enriching the overall experience without overwhelming it.

8 Fundamental Principles For A Unique Wedding Experience

1. Celebrate Your Unique Self

Every human is one of a kind, and every couple is unique. As such, their wedding should be a celebration of that distinctiveness. We strive to create events that reflect the personal style, story, and spirit of the couples we work with, ensuring their big day is unmistakably theirs.

2. The Magic of Smart Spending

Flowers, lighting, and decor are not just decorations; they are an expression of art and emotion. Good photography, beautiful film and delicious food are not just required, they are a layer of dimension added to the day when done right. Investing in quality vendors is investing in the atmosphere and essence of your wedding day. They bring color, life, and dimension that transform spaces and moods and create the ambience that tantalizes the senses. In negotiations with vendors and clients alike, it’s crucial to know and advocate for your worth. 

This principle has taught me to establish respectful, professional boundaries and ensure that every contract reflects the value of the work being delivered. And from the restaurant side of my life I learn how important quality ingredients are in good dishes, this is no different from quality vendors creating outstanding wedding days. Ingredients matter

3. Attention to Details

The difference between a good wedding and a great one lies in the details. Whether it’s the font on the invitations or the timing of the toasts, paying attention to the little things can make a big impact on the day. From a logistical point of view or an esthetic one, details matter. Plain + Simple. With my horses, details are what separate a winning round from one that quite simply, is not. Those small, nuanced details that make a performance earn one or two more points make all the difference. That starts with consistency on practice days and while training off the horse too. In the restaurant, having the ability to see that every napkin on every table is correctly folded helps us separate ourselves from the pack. Details are the foundation of excellence. 

4. Purposeful Opulence

While luxury can elevate a wedding, opulence for its own sake can detract from the genuine joy of the occasion. I focus on creating luxurious experiences that enhance, not overshadow, the celebration of love. The objective is not to spend money for the sake of spending, or to impress someone but rather to add to the experience in ways that are meaningful to those in charge of the spending. I encounter diners in our restaurant all the time who are interested in a really high end bottle of wine because they genuinely love it and that is a beautiful thing! However, when a diner asks us our opinion on a great wine I don’t immediately go to those reserve bottles just because. The truth is that excellent wine can be found in a variety of price points and having that knowledge is what makes me valuable to my diners as much as it makes me valuable to my clients here at MDE. We can certainly go opulent, but isn’t it better to go towards meaning and purpose? 

5. Investment in Feelings, Not Just Things

The choices you make about where and how to spend your budget should reflect what truly brings you joy and satisfaction. It’s not just about the items you purchase but the experiences and memories you are creating. This applies everywhere in life. My dear friend (and mega talented wedding planner) Andrea Eppolito always says, “It is not about the stuff, it is about how the stuff makes you feel” and I could not agree more! 

6. Advocate for Yourself, and Those Around You

Nobody knows your vision better than you do. Speaking up for what you want and need is crucial, not just in life but in the careful coordination with vendors and clients. Clear communication is key to realizing your dream wedding. Doing so with respect, whether from my POV as the planner or from the client’s POV, this is so important. It remains especially important when communicating with vendors! As a woman that owns and operates multiple businesses, number 6 here is one that I can say with absolute certainty is VITAL to success. 

7. Kindness Wins

Approaching challenges with kindness and positivity often leads to better outcomes and stronger relationships. You catch more bees with honey—this is true with handling vendors, venues, and guests. Admittedly, sometimes even planners! We may not always agree with something our clients are pushing for and to be able to have those conversations with reciprocal respect is so key. Again, this is a core value that I apply daily everywhere. Kindness wins with horses + people alike. 

8. Cross-Pollination of Skills

Being an equestrian and a restaurant owner has enhanced my abilities as a wedding planner. Why? Because all three are service based industries, and the American economy has been service based for some time now. These roles require a balance of leadership, creativity, and meticulous attention to detail—skills that are directly transferable to wedding design and execution. They require an even temper even when passionate about something, and that skill is directly transferable from the work I do with my horses. 

By integrating these eight principles from the various places within my life including work, I not only enhance the beauty and smooth operation of the weddings I plan but also create deeper, more meaningful experiences for the couples. It’s about good planning logistically and producing the day, not just working on the pretty (while that is so crucial too!). It’s about creating a day that feels as good as it looks, resonating with the personal joy and satisfaction of everyone involved. Whether you’re beginning to plan your wedding or are midway through the process, remember that your celebration is a reflection of your love and your life together— make it as extraordinary as you are. I take the extraordinary life that I lead and use every single lesson, insight and learning gained for the benefit of my wedding + event clients. Cheers to that! 

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