What are you doing to prep for the BIG day? Whether you are running down fifth avenue in 5 inch Manolos or running on the treadmill in tennis shoes, exercising before the big day will ensure that you will be looking and feeling your best when you walk down the aisle!
(Photo Credit: Sex & The City: The Movie)
Here at MDE, we decided that we wanted to do something to improve our health while having a little bit of fun! Our brides are doing it so why shouldn’t we? Between the running errands here at MDE, to the setting up and tearing down of events, we understand how important it is to be physically in shape and active for our job!
The MDE team joined a month long team competition at Barre Bee Fit. As a team we are encouraging one another to eat healthier, work out together a couple days a week and get ready for the summer season!
“Barre Bee Fit studios offer women a single destination to meet – and exceed – all of their fitness goals. The Barre Bee Fit program is specifically designed for the unique needs of women – a tighter butt, trimmer thighs, flat belly and toned arms. Our program combines intense cardio, total body toning, deep stretching and detoxification into a powerful program to achieve maximum results. Each regimen is choreographed weekly and designed to focus on the small, and often ignored, muscle groups critical to building a toned yet feminine physique. Our classes change regularly to incorporate innovative props, new movements and rotations in an effort to keep your muscles confused and the positive results coming. In Barre Bee Fit’s intense group classes, our skilled instructors are devoted to encouraging and pushing you to your limit.” (Barre Bee Fit)
(Photo Credit: Barre Bee Fit)
Have you ever tried a cleanse? On top of working out at Barre Bee Fit the MDE team just ordered their “Foundation” cleanses from Blue Print Cleanse. “Foundation Cleanse triggers your body to cleanse and gently detox, and, yes lose some serious baggage in the process. After you’ve laid the Foundation with this more intense cleanse, you can move up to the next level – you overachiever you.” (Blue Print Cleanse)
Brides-to-be… we encourage you to look into the Blue Print Cleanse. The Blue Print Cleanse is a cleanse designed to replace meals with fresh pressed fruit and vegetable juices. Blue Print Cleanse offers cleanses anywhere from 6 days in length to 36 days in length.
Blue Print Cleanse offers packages designed specifically for the brides-to-be! BPC Bridal Packages offer soon-to-be brides a clean cleanse that will have you beaming down the aisle and keep you committed for a lifetime, not only to the juicing but also to your new hubby! If you don’t want to do the cleanse alone ask your bridesmaids to join you in the cleanse!
(Photo Credit: Blue Print Cleanse)
Whatever your choice might be, the important thing is that you feel empowered and stunning on your BIG day… and remember your groom loves you just the way you are!